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Browse Breast radiology CME and learn from the top Breast radiologists in the world. View all Breast radiology courses, watch bite-sized videos, and practice on Breast cases with real-world DICOMs.

Screening & Diagnosis

Diagnostic Breast Imaging (Mammo, Tomo, Ultrasound)

Mastery Series

3.5 CME

80 Videos

3 Hours 29 Minutes of Video

Lisa Ann Mullen, MD

Assistant Professor; Breast Imaging Fellowship Director

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Introduction to Diagnostic Breast Imaging

1 m.

Palpable Lump Overview

2 m.

47-year-old woman with palpable lump in right breast, felt by her provider

6 m.

38-year-old woman with left breast palpable lump and bilateral breast pain

3 m.

53-year-old woman with palpable lump in right breast

2 m.

25-year-old woman with bilateral breast implants and palpable lump in right breast

1 m.

78-year-old woman with palpable lump in right upper outer breast

4 m.

54-year-old woman with palpable lump in left breast

4 m.

38-year-old woman with palpable lump in right upper breast

4 m.

Breast Pain Overview

2 m.

29-year-old woman with left breast pain

1 m.

37-year-old woman with focal left breast pain

3 m.

Nipple Discharge Overview

3 m.

50-year-old woman with clear left nipple discharge (benign papilloma)

3 m.

35-year-old woman with right bloody nipple discharge

2 m.

Skin Changes and Mastitis Overview

1 m.

39-year-old woman with fever and cellulitis of the right breast, recently stopped breastfeeding

2 m.

18-year-old woman with painful palpable lump in left breast

1 m.

Granulomatous Mastitis Overview

1 m.

29-year-old with palpable mass in left breast

1 m.

31-year-old woman with palpable lump and skin redness in left breast

4 m.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Overview

1 m.

55-year-old woman with skin thickening and redness in right breast

3 m.

68-year-old woman with skin thickening and palpable lump in left breast

3 m.

43-year-old woman with diffuse left breast pain and palpable lump. Family history of breast cancer

3 m.

Asymmetry Overview

5 m.

47-year-old woman recalled for asymmetry in left breast

3 m.

59-year-old woman recalled for focal asymmetry in left breast

2 m.

69-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in right breast

3 m.

46-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in right breast

3 m.

64-year-old woman recalled for calcifications and developing asymmetry

3 m.

51-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in right breast

2 m.

79-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in anterior right breast

3 m.

Breast Mass Overview

1 m.

43-year-old woman recalled for mass in left upper outer breast

2 m.

40-year-old woman recalled for 12 mm mass in right breast

1 m.

62-year-old woman recalled for mass in right upper outer breast

1 m.

80-year-old woman with remote history of right mastectomy, recalled for mass in left breast

2 m.

41-year-old woman recalled for mass in right breast

2 m.

Architectural Distortion Overview

1 m.

69-year-old woman recalled for architectural distortion in left breast

3 m.

74-year-old woman recalled for architectural distortion in left breast

2 m.

54-year-old woman recalled for distortion in left anterior breast

2 m.

62-year-old woman recalled for distortion in left breast

2 m.

Calcification Overview

<1 m.

54-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in left upper outer breast

1 m.

57-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in left breast

1 m.

51-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in right upper outer breast

1 m.

60-year-old woman recalled for calcification in right breast

1 m.

53-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in left breast

1 m.

Large Axillary Lymph Node Overview

2 m.

53-year-old woman recalled for large left axillary lymph node

2 m.

80-year-old woman with history of breast cancer treatment recalled for large lymph nodes in left axilla

1 m.

49-year-old woman recalled for asymmetry in left breast and large left axillary lymph node

2 m.

Annual Surveillance after Breast Cancer Treatment Overview

3 m.

57-year-old woman with history of right breast cancer 10 years ago. Annual follow up

2 m.

62-year-old woman with history of left breast cancer 4 years ago. Annual follow up

3 m.

61-year-old woman with history of left breast DCIS 10 years ago. Annual follow up

2 m.

65-year-old woman with history of left breast cancer 12 years ago. Annual follow up

3 m.

Follow Up Probably Benign Findings- BI-RADS 3 - Overview

7 m.

60-year-old woman for 6 month follow up of probably benign calcifications in right breast

2 m.

52-year-old woman for 12 month follow up of probably benign 5 mm oval mass in right breast

2 m.

16-year-old girl for 6 month follow up of probably benign mass in right breast

2 m.

56-year-old woman for follow up of probably benign clustered microcysts in right breast

3 m.

Follow up after Benign Biopsy Overview

1 m.

60-year-old woman with history of ultrasound guided biopsy of right breast mass 1 year ago, for follow up

1 m.

80-year-old woman with history of benign stereotactic biopsy of calcifications, for follow up

1 m.

Pregnant and Lactating Women Overview

5 m.

26-year-old woman, 20 weeks pregnant, with left breast pain

1 m.

32-year-old woman, 21 weeks pregnant, with palpable lump left breast

3 m.

33-year-old lactating woman with palpable lump left breast

2 m.

32-year-old woman, 1 year postpartum, breastfeeding, with palpable lump left breast

2 m.

34-year-old woman, currently lactating, with palpable lump left breast

3 m.

28-year-old woman, 1 year postpartum, with palpable lumps right breast

1 m.

25-year-old woman, 1 month postpartum, breastfeeding, with palpable lump right breast

1 m.

Symptomatic Male Patient Overview

3 m.

65-year-old man with pain and palpable lump behind the left nipple for a few months

2 m.

59-year-old man with enlarging and painful left breast over 6 months

2 m.

77-year-old man with painful palpable lump in right subareolar breast

2 m.

75-year-old man, BRCA2 carrier, with palpable lump in right breast

2 m.

Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)

Mastery Series

3.25 CME

71 Videos

3 Hours 20 Minutes of Video

Ryan W. Woods, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Radiology

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Watch this case review for free!

1 m.

Welcome to Advanced Tomosynthesis Mastery Course

<1 m.

Introduction to Tomosynthesis (DBT) - Why Learn about Tomosynthesis?

2 m.

Image Acquisition Technique, Positioning, and Physics

4 m.

Screening & Diagnostic Performance of Tomosynthesis

3 m.

CAD/AI in Tomosynthesis

1 m.

Image Quality and Common Artifacts

7 m.

Motion Artifact Case Example on Tomosynthesis

1 m.

Approach to Screening Mammogram w/DBT - Left Breast Mass

3 m.

Approach to Interpretation on Tomosynthesis - Overview

3 m.

Lesion Localization Tips & Pitfalls on Tomosynthesis

9 m.

Approach to Dermal Calcifications

2 m.

Approach to Asymmetry

3 m.

Normal Findings - Palpable Lump Focal Fibroglandular Tissue

3 m.

Normal Findings - Palpable Lump Unilateral Axillary

3 m.

Normal Findings - Palpable Lump Bilateral Axillary

3 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Calcifications

2 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Dermal Calcifications

2 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Deodorant Artifact Example 1

3 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Deodorant Artifact Example 2

2 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Deodorant Artifact Example 3

1 m.

Normal Findings - History of Lumpectomy

3 m.

Normal Findings - Diagnostic Mammogram after Right Breast Masses on Screening

3 m.

Mammographic Asymmetries and Masses - Overview

6 m.

Asymmetry - Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

2 m.

Focal Asymmetry - Focal Fibroglandular Tissue - Benign

3 m.

Developing Asymmetry

3 m.

Solitary Mass - Fibroadenoma

1 m.

Solitary Mass - Malignancy

2 m.

Multiple, Bilateral Masses - Case 1

2 m.

Multiple, Bilateral Masses - Case 2

1 m.

Gynecomastia - Diffuse

1 m.

Gynecomastia - Marked Dendritic

1 m.

Gynecomastia- Mild Dendritic

<1 m.

Fat-containing Lesions on Tomosynthesis - Overview

4 m.

Lipoma - Case 1

1 m.

Lipoma - Case 2

2 m.

Lipoma - Case 3

1 m.

Hamartoma - Case 1

1 m.

Hamartoma - Case 2

1 m.

Fat Necrosis - Post Traumatic

2 m.

Fat Necrosis - Post Surgical

2 m.

Architectural Distortion on Tomosynthesis - Imaging & Management - Overview

5 m.

Pseudodistortion on Screening Mammogram, Normal on DBT

3 m.

Architectural Distortion - Radial Scar / Complex Sclerosing Lesion

3 m.

Architectural Distortion - Radiating Lines, Asymmetry / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)

2 m.

Architectural Distortion - Radiating Lines, Mass / Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)

2 m.

Calcifications on Tomosynthesis - Overview

4 m.

Pseudocalcifications - Case 1

2 m.

Pseudocalcifications - Case 2

2 m.

Calcifications - Typically Benign - Milk of Calcium - Case 1

2 m.

Calcifications - Typically Benign - Milk of Calcium - Case 2

1 m.

Calcifications - Suspicious - Amorphous / Malignancy (BI-RADS 4B)

3 m.

Calcifications - Suspicious - Coarse Heterogeneous / Benign

1 m.

Calcifications - Suspicious - Segmental Fine Linear Branching / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (BI-RADS 4C)

3 m.

Associated Nipple Retraction, Palpable Mass / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

2 m.

Axillary Adenopathy - Unilateral / Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

2 m.

Axillary Adenopathy - Bilateral / History of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

1 m.

Skin Thickening - Prior Lumpectomy, Post Radiation

1 m.

Skin Thickening, Asymmetry - Inflammatory Carcinoma / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

4 m.

Skin Thickening, Calcifications - Inflammatory Carcinoma / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

2 m.

Skin Thickening, Mass - Locally Advanced Breast Carcinoma

2 m.

Post Breast Reduction - Case 1

3 m.

Post Breast Reduction - Case 2

1 m.

Post Breast Reduction - Case 3

1 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Benign Findings - Case 1

2 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Benign Findings - Case 2

1 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Recurrence

4 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Benign Fat Necrosis

2 m.

Silicone Injection

2 m.

Concluding Remarks

<1 m.

Breast MRI

Mastery Series

3.5 CME

49 Videos

3 Hours 27 Minutes of Video

37 Clinical Cases

Lisa Ann Mullen, MD

Assistant Professor; Breast Imaging Fellowship Director

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Watch this case review for free!

2 m.

Introduction to Breast MRI Basics – BI-RADS and Approach to Interpretation

<1 m.

Overview and Rationale for Breast MRI

4 m.

Indications for Breast MRI

12 m.

Breast Anatomy

3 m.

Positioning, Technique, Protocol for Breast MRI

9 m.

Protocol – 43 yo woman – High Risk Screening

5 m.

Protocol – 31 yo woman – Family History

3 m.

MRI BI-RADS Lexicon – Amount of Fibroglandular Tissue

3 m.

Background Parenchymal Enhancement (BPE)

5 m.

Changing BPE Over 3 Time Points

5 m.

Enhancing MRI Findings

3 m.

New Focus of Enhancement – Benign

1 m.

New Focus of Enhancement – Malignant

1 m.

Masses – Overview

5 m.

Non-Mass Enhancement (NME) – Overview

5 m.

Clustered Ring NME – Benign

1 m.

Clumped and Clustered Ring NME – DCIS

1 m.

Kinetic Curve Assessment

7 m.

Benign Findings

9 m.

Axillary Lymph Node Anatomy – After Covid 19 Vaccine

2 m.

Associated Features on MRI

2 m.

Associated Findings on MRI

6 m.

Location of Lesion & How to Report It

6 m.

Interpretation and Reporting

6 m.

Interpretation and Report – 4mm Focus Right Breast

7 m.

Report Organization and Examples

4 m.

BI-RADS Assessment Categories – Overview

10 m.


4 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Left Lumpectomy

3 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Right Lumpectomy, Right Non-Enhancing Mass

1 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Left Post Excisional Biopsy Change

2 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Marked BPE, Stable

2 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Bilateral Stable Findings

3 m.

New focus of enhancement on a high risk patient (BI-RADS 4)

2 m.

BI-RADS 3 – Changing Pattern of Background

1 m.

BI-RADS 4 – Linear NME, Left Breast

3 m.

BI-RADS 4 – Right Extensive DCIS, Left Dominant Focus

3 m.

BI-RADS 4 – New Diagnosis Left Cancer, Focal NME left

2 m.

BI-RADS 4 – New Diagnosis Right Breast Cancer, Nodes on Right

4 m.

BI-RADS 4 – Left Axillary Node Metastasis, Evaluate for Breast Cancer

2 m.

BI-RADS 5 – Suspicious Mass in Left Breast, Not Biopsied Yet

4 m.

BI-RADS 5 – Left Breast Cancer, MRI Shows Right Cancer

4 m.

BI-RADS 5 – New Diagnosis Right Cancer, Suspicious Masses in Right Breast

2 m.

BI-RADS 5 – Right Inflammatory Cancer, Bilateral Nodes

3 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Right Breast Cancer, No Other Findings

2 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Left Breast Cancer, No Other Findings

1 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Left Breast Cancer, Index Mass

3 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Pre and Post Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) for Left Breast Cancer

4 m.

Breast MRI Expert Case Review

Expert Case Review

0.75 CME

13 Videos

52 Minutes of Video

13 Clinical Cases

Petra J Lewis, MBBS

Professor of Radiology and OBGYN

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center & Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth


Breast MRI

Mastery Series

3.5 CME

49 Videos

3 Hours 27 Minutes of Video

37 Clinical Cases

Lisa Ann Mullen, MD

Assistant Professor; Breast Imaging Fellowship Director

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Watch this case review for free!

2 m.

Introduction to Breast MRI Basics – BI-RADS and Approach to Interpretation

<1 m.

Overview and Rationale for Breast MRI

4 m.

Indications for Breast MRI

12 m.

Breast Anatomy

3 m.

Positioning, Technique, Protocol for Breast MRI

9 m.

Protocol – 43 yo woman – High Risk Screening

5 m.

Protocol – 31 yo woman – Family History

3 m.

MRI BI-RADS Lexicon – Amount of Fibroglandular Tissue

3 m.

Background Parenchymal Enhancement (BPE)

5 m.

Changing BPE Over 3 Time Points

5 m.

Enhancing MRI Findings

3 m.

New Focus of Enhancement – Benign

1 m.

New Focus of Enhancement – Malignant

1 m.

Masses – Overview

5 m.

Non-Mass Enhancement (NME) – Overview

5 m.

Clustered Ring NME – Benign

1 m.

Clumped and Clustered Ring NME – DCIS

1 m.

Kinetic Curve Assessment

7 m.

Benign Findings

9 m.

Axillary Lymph Node Anatomy – After Covid 19 Vaccine

2 m.

Associated Features on MRI

2 m.

Associated Findings on MRI

6 m.

Location of Lesion & How to Report It

6 m.

Interpretation and Reporting

6 m.

Interpretation and Report – 4mm Focus Right Breast

7 m.

Report Organization and Examples

4 m.

BI-RADS Assessment Categories – Overview

10 m.


4 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Left Lumpectomy

3 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Right Lumpectomy, Right Non-Enhancing Mass

1 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Left Post Excisional Biopsy Change

2 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Marked BPE, Stable

2 m.

BI-RADS 2 – Bilateral Stable Findings

3 m.

New focus of enhancement on a high risk patient (BI-RADS 4)

2 m.

BI-RADS 3 – Changing Pattern of Background

1 m.

BI-RADS 4 – Linear NME, Left Breast

3 m.

BI-RADS 4 – Right Extensive DCIS, Left Dominant Focus

3 m.

BI-RADS 4 – New Diagnosis Left Cancer, Focal NME left

2 m.

BI-RADS 4 – New Diagnosis Right Breast Cancer, Nodes on Right

4 m.

BI-RADS 4 – Left Axillary Node Metastasis, Evaluate for Breast Cancer

2 m.

BI-RADS 5 – Suspicious Mass in Left Breast, Not Biopsied Yet

4 m.

BI-RADS 5 – Left Breast Cancer, MRI Shows Right Cancer

4 m.

BI-RADS 5 – New Diagnosis Right Cancer, Suspicious Masses in Right Breast

2 m.

BI-RADS 5 – Right Inflammatory Cancer, Bilateral Nodes

3 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Right Breast Cancer, No Other Findings

2 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Left Breast Cancer, No Other Findings

1 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Left Breast Cancer, Index Mass

3 m.

BI-RADS 6 – Pre and Post Neoadjuvant Chemotherapy (NAC) for Left Breast Cancer

4 m.

Breast MRI Expert Case Review

Expert Case Review

0.75 CME

13 Videos

52 Minutes of Video

13 Clinical Cases

Petra J Lewis, MBBS

Professor of Radiology and OBGYN

Dartmouth-Hitchcock Medical Center & Geisel School of Medicine at Dartmouth


Diagnostic Breast Imaging (Mammo, Tomo, Ultrasound)

Mastery Series

3.5 CME

80 Videos

3 Hours 29 Minutes of Video

Lisa Ann Mullen, MD

Assistant Professor; Breast Imaging Fellowship Director

Johns Hopkins Medicine

Introduction to Diagnostic Breast Imaging

1 m.

Palpable Lump Overview

2 m.

47-year-old woman with palpable lump in right breast, felt by her provider

6 m.

38-year-old woman with left breast palpable lump and bilateral breast pain

3 m.

53-year-old woman with palpable lump in right breast

2 m.

25-year-old woman with bilateral breast implants and palpable lump in right breast

1 m.

78-year-old woman with palpable lump in right upper outer breast

4 m.

54-year-old woman with palpable lump in left breast

4 m.

38-year-old woman with palpable lump in right upper breast

4 m.

Breast Pain Overview

2 m.

29-year-old woman with left breast pain

1 m.

37-year-old woman with focal left breast pain

3 m.

Nipple Discharge Overview

3 m.

50-year-old woman with clear left nipple discharge (benign papilloma)

3 m.

35-year-old woman with right bloody nipple discharge

2 m.

Skin Changes and Mastitis Overview

1 m.

39-year-old woman with fever and cellulitis of the right breast, recently stopped breastfeeding

2 m.

18-year-old woman with painful palpable lump in left breast

1 m.

Granulomatous Mastitis Overview

1 m.

29-year-old with palpable mass in left breast

1 m.

31-year-old woman with palpable lump and skin redness in left breast

4 m.

Inflammatory Breast Cancer Overview

1 m.

55-year-old woman with skin thickening and redness in right breast

3 m.

68-year-old woman with skin thickening and palpable lump in left breast

3 m.

43-year-old woman with diffuse left breast pain and palpable lump. Family history of breast cancer

3 m.

Asymmetry Overview

5 m.

47-year-old woman recalled for asymmetry in left breast

3 m.

59-year-old woman recalled for focal asymmetry in left breast

2 m.

69-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in right breast

3 m.

46-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in right breast

3 m.

64-year-old woman recalled for calcifications and developing asymmetry

3 m.

51-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in right breast

2 m.

79-year-old woman recalled for developing asymmetry in anterior right breast

3 m.

Breast Mass Overview

1 m.

43-year-old woman recalled for mass in left upper outer breast

2 m.

40-year-old woman recalled for 12 mm mass in right breast

1 m.

62-year-old woman recalled for mass in right upper outer breast

1 m.

80-year-old woman with remote history of right mastectomy, recalled for mass in left breast

2 m.

41-year-old woman recalled for mass in right breast

2 m.

Architectural Distortion Overview

1 m.

69-year-old woman recalled for architectural distortion in left breast

3 m.

74-year-old woman recalled for architectural distortion in left breast

2 m.

54-year-old woman recalled for distortion in left anterior breast

2 m.

62-year-old woman recalled for distortion in left breast

2 m.

Calcification Overview

<1 m.

54-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in left upper outer breast

1 m.

57-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in left breast

1 m.

51-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in right upper outer breast

1 m.

60-year-old woman recalled for calcification in right breast

1 m.

53-year-old woman recalled for calcifications in left breast

1 m.

Large Axillary Lymph Node Overview

2 m.

53-year-old woman recalled for large left axillary lymph node

2 m.

80-year-old woman with history of breast cancer treatment recalled for large lymph nodes in left axilla

1 m.

49-year-old woman recalled for asymmetry in left breast and large left axillary lymph node

2 m.

Annual Surveillance after Breast Cancer Treatment Overview

3 m.

57-year-old woman with history of right breast cancer 10 years ago. Annual follow up

2 m.

62-year-old woman with history of left breast cancer 4 years ago. Annual follow up

3 m.

61-year-old woman with history of left breast DCIS 10 years ago. Annual follow up

2 m.

65-year-old woman with history of left breast cancer 12 years ago. Annual follow up

3 m.

Follow Up Probably Benign Findings- BI-RADS 3 - Overview

7 m.

60-year-old woman for 6 month follow up of probably benign calcifications in right breast

2 m.

52-year-old woman for 12 month follow up of probably benign 5 mm oval mass in right breast

2 m.

16-year-old girl for 6 month follow up of probably benign mass in right breast

2 m.

56-year-old woman for follow up of probably benign clustered microcysts in right breast

3 m.

Follow up after Benign Biopsy Overview

1 m.

60-year-old woman with history of ultrasound guided biopsy of right breast mass 1 year ago, for follow up

1 m.

80-year-old woman with history of benign stereotactic biopsy of calcifications, for follow up

1 m.

Pregnant and Lactating Women Overview

5 m.

26-year-old woman, 20 weeks pregnant, with left breast pain

1 m.

32-year-old woman, 21 weeks pregnant, with palpable lump left breast

3 m.

33-year-old lactating woman with palpable lump left breast

2 m.

32-year-old woman, 1 year postpartum, breastfeeding, with palpable lump left breast

2 m.

34-year-old woman, currently lactating, with palpable lump left breast

3 m.

28-year-old woman, 1 year postpartum, with palpable lumps right breast

1 m.

25-year-old woman, 1 month postpartum, breastfeeding, with palpable lump right breast

1 m.

Symptomatic Male Patient Overview

3 m.

65-year-old man with pain and palpable lump behind the left nipple for a few months

2 m.

59-year-old man with enlarging and painful left breast over 6 months

2 m.

77-year-old man with painful palpable lump in right subareolar breast

2 m.

75-year-old man, BRCA2 carrier, with palpable lump in right breast

2 m.

Breast Tomosynthesis (DBT)

Mastery Series

3.25 CME

71 Videos

3 Hours 20 Minutes of Video

Ryan W. Woods, MD, MPH

Assistant Professor of Radiology

University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health

Watch this case review for free!

1 m.

Welcome to Advanced Tomosynthesis Mastery Course

<1 m.

Introduction to Tomosynthesis (DBT) - Why Learn about Tomosynthesis?

2 m.

Image Acquisition Technique, Positioning, and Physics

4 m.

Screening & Diagnostic Performance of Tomosynthesis

3 m.

CAD/AI in Tomosynthesis

1 m.

Image Quality and Common Artifacts

7 m.

Motion Artifact Case Example on Tomosynthesis

1 m.

Approach to Screening Mammogram w/DBT - Left Breast Mass

3 m.

Approach to Interpretation on Tomosynthesis - Overview

3 m.

Lesion Localization Tips & Pitfalls on Tomosynthesis

9 m.

Approach to Dermal Calcifications

2 m.

Approach to Asymmetry

3 m.

Normal Findings - Palpable Lump Focal Fibroglandular Tissue

3 m.

Normal Findings - Palpable Lump Unilateral Axillary

3 m.

Normal Findings - Palpable Lump Bilateral Axillary

3 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Calcifications

2 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Dermal Calcifications

2 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Deodorant Artifact Example 1

3 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Deodorant Artifact Example 2

2 m.

Normal Findings - Screening Mammogram - Deodorant Artifact Example 3

1 m.

Normal Findings - History of Lumpectomy

3 m.

Normal Findings - Diagnostic Mammogram after Right Breast Masses on Screening

3 m.

Mammographic Asymmetries and Masses - Overview

6 m.

Asymmetry - Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

2 m.

Focal Asymmetry - Focal Fibroglandular Tissue - Benign

3 m.

Developing Asymmetry

3 m.

Solitary Mass - Fibroadenoma

1 m.

Solitary Mass - Malignancy

2 m.

Multiple, Bilateral Masses - Case 1

2 m.

Multiple, Bilateral Masses - Case 2

1 m.

Gynecomastia - Diffuse

1 m.

Gynecomastia - Marked Dendritic

1 m.

Gynecomastia- Mild Dendritic

<1 m.

Fat-containing Lesions on Tomosynthesis - Overview

4 m.

Lipoma - Case 1

1 m.

Lipoma - Case 2

2 m.

Lipoma - Case 3

1 m.

Hamartoma - Case 1

1 m.

Hamartoma - Case 2

1 m.

Fat Necrosis - Post Traumatic

2 m.

Fat Necrosis - Post Surgical

2 m.

Architectural Distortion on Tomosynthesis - Imaging & Management - Overview

5 m.

Pseudodistortion on Screening Mammogram, Normal on DBT

3 m.

Architectural Distortion - Radial Scar / Complex Sclerosing Lesion

3 m.

Architectural Distortion - Radiating Lines, Asymmetry / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (IDC)

2 m.

Architectural Distortion - Radiating Lines, Mass / Invasive Lobular Carcinoma (ILC)

2 m.

Calcifications on Tomosynthesis - Overview

4 m.

Pseudocalcifications - Case 1

2 m.

Pseudocalcifications - Case 2

2 m.

Calcifications - Typically Benign - Milk of Calcium - Case 1

2 m.

Calcifications - Typically Benign - Milk of Calcium - Case 2

1 m.

Calcifications - Suspicious - Amorphous / Malignancy (BI-RADS 4B)

3 m.

Calcifications - Suspicious - Coarse Heterogeneous / Benign

1 m.

Calcifications - Suspicious - Segmental Fine Linear Branching / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma (BI-RADS 4C)

3 m.

Associated Nipple Retraction, Palpable Mass / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

2 m.

Axillary Adenopathy - Unilateral / Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

2 m.

Axillary Adenopathy - Bilateral / History of Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)

1 m.

Skin Thickening - Prior Lumpectomy, Post Radiation

1 m.

Skin Thickening, Asymmetry - Inflammatory Carcinoma / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

4 m.

Skin Thickening, Calcifications - Inflammatory Carcinoma / Invasive Ductal Carcinoma

2 m.

Skin Thickening, Mass - Locally Advanced Breast Carcinoma

2 m.

Post Breast Reduction - Case 1

3 m.

Post Breast Reduction - Case 2

1 m.

Post Breast Reduction - Case 3

1 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Benign Findings - Case 1

2 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Benign Findings - Case 2

1 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Recurrence

4 m.

Post Lumpectomy - Benign Fat Necrosis

2 m.

Silicone Injection

2 m.

Concluding Remarks

<1 m.


Fundamentals of Diagnostic Breast Imaging

Mastery Series

1.75 CME

37 Videos

1 Hour 46 Minutes of Video

17 Clinical Cases

Carolynn M DeBenedectis, MD

Associate Professor of Radiology

University of Massachusetts Medical School

Watch this case review for free!

4 m.

Introduction to Diagnostic Breast Imaging

<1 m.

Appropriate Mammo View for Work-up of Breast Lesions

5 m.

Male Breast Symptoms

4 m.

Female Breast Symptoms – Palpable Masses

4 m.

Female Breast Symptoms – Nipple Discharge

3 m.

Female Breast Symptoms – Skin Changes

3 m.

Benign Inflammatory Changes of the Breast

4 m.

Malignant Inflammatory Changes of the Breast

1 m.

Staging Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer

4 m.

Introduction to Breast Implants

2 m.

Breast Implant Complications

3 m.

Breast Implant Rupture on Mammo

3 m.

Implant Rupture on US

2 m.

Implant rupture on MR

3 m.

Breast Implant Rupture Cases

2 m.

Silicone Injections/Breast Reduction/Breast Reconstruction

3 m.

Normal Post BCT Appearance of the Breast

2 m.

Abnormal Post BCT Appearance of the Breast

1 m.

Breast Case 1: Hamartoma on Mammogram

2 m.

Case 2: Cancer with Multiple Oval Circumscribed Masses

3 m.

Intra and Extra Capsular Silicone Implant Rupture

2 m.

Intracapsular Implant Rupture on US (Cochlear Implant)

3 m.

Breast Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS)

2 m.

Ductal Carcinoma in Situ (DCIS) – Companion Case

1 m.

Milk of Calcium

2 m.

Breast Lipoma's

2 m.

New Distortion Medial to Lumpectomy Bed on First Post Op Mammo

3 m.

Staging MRI Finds Additional Areas of Malignancy

4 m.

Retro Areolar Cancer with Nipple Areolar Complex Retraction

2 m.

Breast Nipple Inversion - Companion Case

1 m.

Bilateral Axilary Adenopathy DDX (History of Sarcoid)

3 m.

Calcifications in Axilary Node – Tattoo

1 m.

Calcifications in Axilary Node – Metastatic Cancer (Breast Primary)

1 m.

Breast Rim Enhancement on MRI

1 m.

Breast Distortions on mammography

1 m.

Recurrence in Lumpectomy Bed (Convex Margins)

1 m.

Conference Replays (non-CME)

Breast Imaging Noon Conference

Noon Conference

32 Videos

31 Hours 17 Minutes of Video

Various Instructors

Artificial Intelligence at the Heart of Breast Imaging, Basak Dogan (8-15-24)

57 m.

Maximize Performance and Minimize Malpractice Risk, Dr. Gretchen Green (5-2-24)

1 h.

In Preparation for Women’s History Month: Screening Mammography Saves Lives, Dr. Elizabeth Kagan Arleo (2-29-24)

1 h.

Contrast Enhanced Mammography: Time for Implementation, Dr. Jordana Phillips (1-25-24)

1 h.

Case Review Live - Digital Breast Tomosynthesis and Tomosynthesis Guided Biopsy, Dr. Emily B. Ambinder (7-13-23)

1 h.

Abbreviated Breast MRI for Supplemental Screening - Early Outcomes and Tips for Implementation, Dr. Emily F. Conant (6-22-23)

1 h.

Best of the Breast Cases, Dr. Robyn G. Roth (4-20-23)

49 m.

Breast Radiology Advocacy Updates, Dr. Amy K. Patel (1-26-22)

51 m.

High Risk Breast Lesions, Dr. Rachel F. Brem (10-27-22)

54 m.

Patient Centered Care in Breast Imaging, Dr. Janine Katzen (8-11-22)

56 m.

A Practical Guide to Diagnostic Breast Ultrasound, Dr. Jocelyn Rapelyea (7/14/22)

1 h.

AI in Mammography: Leveling Health Care Disparity, Rachel F Brem, MD FACR FSBI, 03/17/22

41 m.

Optimizing Use of Breast Ultrasound, Dr. Nagi F. Khouri, (12/02/21)

51 m.

Background Parenchymal Enhancement in Breast MRI, Dr. Maryam Etesami, (09/28/21)

53 m.

Screening Breast MRI, Dr. Lisa Mullen, (09/24/21)

53 m.

Breast Radiology-Pathology Correlation, Dr. Michael Fishman (07/02/2021)

59 m.

Breast Ultrasound Optimization, Dr. Rebecca Sivarajah (5/24/21)

57 m.

Imaging the Male Breast, Dr. Kitt Shaffer (02/01/21)

43 m.

Breast MRI, Dr. Xiaoqin Jennifer Wang (01/11/20)

53 m.

The Pregnant and Lactating Patient, Dr. Amy Patel (11-12-20)

52 m.

Contrast-Enhanced Spectral Mammography - Lessons Learned from Early Clinical Implementation, Dr. Robyn Roth (11/10/20)

42 m.

Diagnostic Breast Imaging After Screening Recall, Dr. Jenny Kohr (10/14/20)

59 m.

Superficial Ultrasound - Lumps and Bumps, Dr. Pauline Germaine (09/29/20)

1 h.

Breast Carcinoma - Pearls and Pitfalls, Dr. Jean Kunjummen (08/19/20)

1 h.

Breast MRI - The Basics, Dr. Matthew Miller (08/18/20)

1 h.

Breast MRI- The Basics and More, Dr. Amy Patel (08/14/20)

59 m.

Breast Intervention Part 2, Dr. Carolynn Debenedectis (08/06/20)

59 m.

Breast Intervention, Dr. Carolynn DeBenedectis (07/01/20)

54 m.

MRI Guided Breast Biopsies Tips & Challenges, Dr. Petra J. Lewis (05/22/20)

1 h.

Integrating Digital Breast Tomosynthesis Into Your Clinical Practice- Part 1, Dr. Laurie Fajardo (05/18/20)

1 h.

MR BIRADS, Dr. Petra J. Lewis (04/28/20)

1 h.

Breast MRI - Lesion Analysis and Interpretation, Dr. Priscilla Slanetz (04/22/20)

1 h.

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