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Wk 4, Case 33 - Review




HISTORY: Atraumatic right hip pain and fever.

FINDINGS: Both hips show slight superior joint space narrowing and acetabular osteophytes. There are multiple enthesophytes about the pelvis including the iliac wings, ischial tuberosities, and trochanters. There is lower lumbar spondylosis. There is an additional focus of calcification projected over the proximal right femur overlapping the lateral cortex of the level of the lesser trochanter probably representing calcific tendinitis at the gluteus maximus attachment site. Negative for fracture.

IMPRESSION: Moderate bilateral hip osteoarthritis without acute osseous abnormality. Findings compatible with calcific tendinitis right hip at the gluteus maximus attachment site to the superior linea aspera. Features of diffuse idiopathic skeletal hyperostosis (DISH).


John A Carrino, MD, MPH

Vice-Chairman, Radiology and Imaging

Hospital for Special Surgery


X-Ray (Plain Films)

Musculoskeletal (MSK)

Hip & Thigh


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