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Mastery Series

Arterial Access

Content Reviewed: 2021-09-07

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2.25 CME

34 Videos

13 Clinical Cases

2.25 CME

Course Description

As with any vascular procedure, there is a fundamental pillar that is arterial access. By the end of this course the learner will understand the technical equipment and procedural steps necessary for achieving safe arterial access and understand complications associated with arterial access.

By the end of this course the learner will understand the technical equipment and procedural steps necessary for achieving safe arterial access and understand complications associated with arterial access.

View CME Activity Information
  • Apply appropriate search patterns to ensure high quality case assessment 
  • Identify key anatomical landmarks, variations, and abnormalities on imaging
  • Accurately interpret advanced imaging cases
  • Formulate definitive diagnoses and limited differentials


Mikhail CSS Higgins, MD, MPH

Director, Radiology Medical Student Clerkships; Director, ESIR

Boston University Medical Center


Course Objectives

1 min.

Intro & Learning Objectives - Arterial Access

2 m.


Hematoma Complications Cases

3 Clinical Cases

6 min.


Dissection Complications Cases

1 Clinical Cases

5 min.


Arteriovenous Fistula Complications Cases

1 Clinical Cases

6 min.


Closure Device Complications

6 min.

Course Evaluation

Suggested Reading

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