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Mastery Series

Extradural Spinal Lesions

Content Reviewed: 2021-12-27

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1.75 CME

34 Videos

18 Clinical Cases

1.75 CME

Course Description

In Dr. Yousem’s third part of spinal lesions series, he dives into the different etiologies of extradural spinal lesions which can compress the dura and mimic intradural lesions.


  • Hematomas – subdural & epidural
  • Discitis & osteomyelitis
  • Spinal Infections
  • Extramedullary hematopoiesis
  • Congenital/Developmental spinal lesions
  • …and more!

Check Out the Other Parts of this Series!

Part 1: MRI Mastery Series: Intradural Intramedullary Spinal Lesions

Part 2: MRI Mastery Series: Intradural Extramedullary Lesions (IDEM)

In Dr. Yousem’s third part of spinal lesions series, he dives into the different etiologies of extradural spinal lesions which can compress the dura and mimic intradural lesions.

View CME Activity Information
  • Apply appropriate search patterns to ensure high quality case assessment 
  • Identify key anatomical landmarks, variations, and abnormalities on imaging
  • Accurately interpret advanced imaging cases
  • Formulate definitive diagnoses and limited differentials


David M Yousem, MD, MBA

Professor of Radiology, Vice Chairman and Associate Dean

Johns Hopkins University


Extradural Spinal Lesions

18 Clinical Cases

1 hr. 48 min.

Extradural Spine Lesions

7 m.

Degenerative Spondylomyelopathy

3 m.

Traumatic Lesions of the Spine

6 m.

Subdural Hematoma of the Spine

2 m.

Epidural Hematoma of the Spine

2 m.

Post-operative Hematoma

4 m.

Discitis-Osteomyelitis of the Spine

5 m.

Discitis-Osteomyelitis with Epidural Phlegmon/Abscess

4 m.

Tuberculous Spondylitis

5 m.

Discitis-Osteomyelitis with Prevertebral Abscess

2 m.

Discitis Osteomyelitis with Anterior Epidural Phlegmon

3 m.

Epidural Abscess from Facet Joint Infectious Synovitis

4 m.

Paraspinal Abscess with Epidural Extension

3 m.

Summary of Extradural Neoplasms

4 m.

Lumbar Spine Schwannoma Extending into the Neural Foramen

2 m.

Primary Osseous Extradural Neoplasms

8 m.

Osteochondroma of the Spine

3 m.

Extradural Metastatic Disease

4 m.

Chondrosarcoma of the Spine

4 m.

Metastatic Disease vs. Multiple Myeloma

3 m.

Malignant versus Benign Compression Fractures

7 m.

Extramedullary Hematopoiesis of the Epidural Space

3 m.

Paraspinal Extramedullary Hematopoiesis

2 m.

Multifocal Epidural Extramedullary Hematopoiesis

4 m.

Epidural Lipomatosis

3 m.

Extradural Congenital Lesions

6 m.

Epidermoid Cyst of the Thoracic Spine

3 m.

Spinal Congenital Anomalies: Myelomeningoceles

6 m.

Cervicothoracic Myelomeningocele

3 m.

Recurrent Myelomeningocele and Cord Tethering After Repair

2 m.


3 m.


3 m.

Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy

3 m.

Extradural Processes – Conclusion

3 m.

Course Evaluation

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